The purpose of this lab was to separate and purify a compound. This was achieved using techniques that allowed the extraction of the acid, the isolation of the neutral compound and the melting point classification of the neutral compound to test the purity of the sample.
Chemical Reactions:
HA + OH- A- + H2O
Organic Acid
Insoluble in H2O Conjugate base
Soluble in H2O
A 0.170g sample consisting of a mixture of 0.110g of an unknown neutral compound and 0.060g of benzoic acid was mixed with ether and shaken until all solids dissolved. NaOH was added, shaken, allowed to separate and the bottom layer removed and transferred to a test tube labeled “NaOH 1st extract”. …show more content…
In this experiment, acid was extracted from a mixture and a neutral unknown compound was isolated and identified.
This experiment relied on the reaction of the organic acid that was insoluble in water with a base that caused the loss of a proton and yielded a negatively charged conjugate base that became soluble in water. This interaction caused a separation of the mixture into an ether layer and a denser aqueous layer.
The aqueous layer was extracted and transferred into two test tubes where HCl was added. HCl acted as a proton donor to the acid in the aqueous layer and caused the acid to precipitate out of solution. This was the reason for the white, cloudy precipitate substance that was observed in the test tube. The Litmus paper test further confirmed that these mixtures only contained acid because of the pink color reading. If anything other than acid would have remained, the color of the paper would have been blue or purple not …show more content…
Infrared Spectroscopy is used to identify molecules by giving structural information about a molecule. Based on the knowledge that CH bonds have an absorption rate of 3000+-100cm-1 and that C=O bonds (carbonyl groups) have a 1700+- 100cm-1 absorption rate. I was able to locate these types of bonds on the Infrared Spectroscopy reports done by Dr. Yamaguchi. I don’t have enough expertise on how to decipher the other peaks and valleys in the report and cannot make any firm conclusions in regards to the Infrared Spectroscopy reports.
This was a successful experiment in that we were able to extract the acid from the neutral compound and were able to purify and identify the unknown substance in our mixture. Our team was able to purify Flourenone and test the purity of the sample successfully. I would like to learn a little more about the Infrared Spectroscopy reports to be better able to put this information to use.
1. Answer the following questions about the first and second NaOH