Napoleon was a rising star in the French military. A general at the age of 27, he had won the admiration of France thanks to his leadership, military talents, and personal talents. While in the military, he won many battles over Austria. In 1795, the people of France, tired of the Reign of Terror, revolted, executing many leaders of the Terror. The Directory took power. Upon Napoleon's return to France, he found that many people were very dissatisfied with the Directory. With the support of his troops, he overthrew them and became France's new dictator at a mere thirty years old, naming himself First Consul for life. The votes of the public approved of this move.
Determined to succeed in life no matter what, he trudged on. His first real military action was a great success. He was captain of artillery during the siege of Toulon, where he captured several important strongholds, and forced the retreat of British naval fleets. He became Brigadier General while campaigning in Italy, but was arrested and jailed there for being an associate of the brother of the executed Maxamillion Robespierre. He managed to get out of this tight spot, and continued on to achieve even more military greatness.
As the dictator, Napoleon made many reforms to French life. He allowed emigrates to
Bibliography: "World History: Patterns of Civilization" by Burton F Beers