Index Terms— Flavonoid, Hepatocellular damage, Hepatoprotective activity, Hepatotoxic, NaOH-HCl method, Naregamia alata, Phytochemical …show more content…
The carbon tetrachloride mechanism begins with the trichloromethyl radical (•CCl3) by the action of the mixed function of cytochrome P-450 oxygenase system. This free radical, which is initially formed as unreactive, reacts very rapidly with oxygen to yield a highly reactive trichloromethyl peroxy radical (•OOCCl3). Both radicals are capable of binding to proteins, lipids or abstracting a hydrogen atom an unsaturated lipid, thus initiating lipid peroxydation. This process of lipid peroxidation can significantly damage hepatic plasma membranes26. The increased levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP and TB (Serum biochemical parameters) are conventional indicators of liver …show more content…
It has been used in traditional medicines in India and elsewhere in the treatment of rheumatism, itch, malarial and chronic fevers, wounds, anaemia, enlarged spleen, ulcers, vitiated conditions of pitta and vata, halitosis, cough, asthma, splenomegaly, scabies, pruritis, dysentery, dyspepsia and catarrh. This plant has been reported to possess antifungal activity, antibacterial activity and antidysentery activities44.
Naregamia alata is a rare shrub, 15-45 cm tall, found mainly on rocky or grassy slopes in western peninsular India. Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets, each of which is wedge-shaped-obovate, quite entire, and stalkless. The leaf stalk is winged. White flowers, 2.5-5 cm long, arise solitary in leaf axils. Sepal five, 5 mm long. Petals are 5, very ong, strap-shaped, distinct, free from the stamen tube. Filaments are united into a long tube, inflated and spherical at the tip. Capsule is 3-cornered, 3-valved valves circular, 8mm long. Seeds 2 in each cell, curved.
The juice is used for the treatment of rat poison and is for doing 'naseum' in snake treatment. The roots of the plant is used is used for preparing pills and