ENC 1101
16 September 2014
This happen to me a month ago when my boss called me for a meeting in his office, to talk just with my in private. The first thought in my mind was “I’m fired” but I did not know why or what was the reason for that decision. While my boss entered the office, my head was full of many thoughts about why me, and how will I get other job like this. In the meantime, my boss asked me about my family with a big smile; this is was so weird for me, assuming that the meeting was to fire me. I was very nervous because it was the first time that I had a meeting with him in private so I just gave him a short answer “They’re good in Venezuela” without any details. He started to ask me other questions like how do I feel in this company? And what did I think about some changes that he wanted to do in the company? At this time, instead of thinking about my firing, I started to think that this meeting was something good after all my nervousness.
In fact, the reason of the meeting was to talk about the company and discuss a new project that he has for me. I was so excited when he decided to involve me more in the company because I have been there for less than a year. Before the meeting finished, my boss asked me in a funny way “David, have you ever been to Las Vegas?” And I answered him with a sarcastic tone “Boss, I have taken only one plane in my life, and it was to come to this country 11 months ago” He laughed at me and said “Get ready to take your second plane ride in your life David because I see that you’re so smart for your age, and you have been learning so much about my business. I would like to send you to one of the most important technology convention around the word, “CTIA” in Las Vegas, Nevada the next month to learn more about the retail phones business and how you will help me to improve my business in the future”. Can you imagine how did I feel when he said that? I didn’t realize what was happening in the moment; I just