Professor Christine Bryant
ENG 101-096
22. September, 2014
Narrative Essay: 9 steps to clean your Room (My Response) When I read this blog on 9 steps of cleaning your room, I immediately thought about myself. Every time I even attempt to clean my room I get distracted, fall asleep, or just forget that I even was cleaning. Sometimes I don’t know how it get s messy, this shit happens so fast.
My mom always jokes about how I might be turning into a hoarder. She always say that just to pick on me, I would give this mean ass look and say “well you come and clean the shit” well I wouldn’t curse out loud, but I would say it in my head. I still have to remember that she’s my mom so I have to be “respectful”... it was so bad that I even tried to pay my younger brothers to clean my room, but if they don’t clean their own room what makes you think they will clean mine.
The teen blog I read about gave nine steps to clean a room. I thought to myself …. Hey I think this would work for me, until I started to read them. The first step was to “dump all the belongings onto your carpet”. I would do that if I could see my carpet, I think it disappeared. Then it said throw away all the food. Well what a shocker! , That’s the only thing I don’t have living up in my room. There’s probably creatures, animals, anything you can find living up in my room. Another step said to “put some music on”. Well yeah that will help if I’m throwing a party, me trying to clean my room and have music playing will not be the best thing to do. I’ll be having my own party instead of cleaning. Steps, just to clean a room is ridiculous and silly, but people like myself need these steps. And in the end I still won’t follow them.
Sometimes I thought I needed therapy. Like in the narrative: Go Carolina, David Sedaris says “the word therapy suggested a profound failure on my part. Mental patients had therapy, normal people did not.” Maybe I’m not normal. Mhhm... Maybe I’m a hoarder. I