Jenelle Whitfield
English composition has always been a difficult subject for me. Even back in High School I struggled with writing papers and understanding the writing process. However, English 106 has been a great experience for me. In this class I was able to understand the many steps in the writing process, improve my writing skills, and utilizing the feedback I received from my professor. Putting an essay together has always been difficult for me. Being able to understand the steps in the writing process has allowed me to piece my writing assignments together better. I have found that brainstorming for me is key to a successful paper. Utilizing intellipath along with the textbook made learning much easier. My instructor for this class was extremely helpful. With each assignment she really made sure we understood what was expected of us with sample assignments and pointer tips. It was nice to know she was always there to help if need be. What I found extremely helpful was after each assignment was graded she always gave constructive criticism for me to better my next assignment. This helped me learn from the mistakes I was making. English 106 has really given me the opportunity to improve my writing skills. I have learned proper steps in making my papers come together more clearly. Although I know I have a lot to learn still I feel as if my writing has come a long way from assignment one to now. I no longer shy away from writing papers; it definitely has gotten easier for me as each paper has passed. Having strong writing skills will help me succeed in my future courses as well as my professional life as well. I have faced many challenges as I worked through English 106 however, reflecting back as the class comes to a close I feel as though my experience was very rewarding. Understanding the writing process and having the ability to utilize my professor along with her feedback really helped me improve my overall writing skills. I feel as though this class has given me a good foundation for future papers and I look forward to use what I have learned in future classes.