Kacey Davis
College Prep English 1
02 April 2017
Obama as President
I remember that day so well. It was a cool blue day, and our new president was stepping up to give America a new and favorable piece of history. Everyone around me seemed to radiate the same feeling as me, a feeling of hope, of opportunism. People from all backgrounds, all classes. Everyone was just in a sense of joy. “The Minority finally had someone in their corner.” (Paula).
I had a brief flashback at that moment. I sat in my living room and saw one of the candidates for our president. An African American man, well dressed, well versed, and i saw the people's reaction to him. I felt, “Excited that we came farther from the racial barrier …show more content…
A sigh of relief seemed to slip from me. “I thought people would only see his color, not hear his idea. Hell I thought we would have a white woman before an African American.” (Paula). And i fazed back into reality, hearing the words of our now president once again.
“Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real…. They will not be met easily…”(Whitehouse archives) I stood in awe while others cheered. “The minority had a voice at last.”(Paula). I finally saw more good in those that surrounded me. I saw suddenly, election night. The numbers pouring in, and the news. “The news was careful about their predictions this time, actually were slow about it.”(Paula). And words i didn't think i would hear brought me back to the world of an amazing man.
“To our enemies, you will not out last us…”(New york times) And cries of joy shot up throughout the people. “I think the Tradition should be kept…”(Politico). His voice echoed out. Something i had never thought passed my mind. “ We elected someone outside the norm, whilst being traditional in our ways.”(Paula) We all have brought ourselves to a place in tradition, showing our conservative nature, but we gave a liberal idea to the meaning of this