Even though I pulled the majority of this from your reflections about the trip, I feel like I went out on a limb writing it first person. I included research on flow/mindfulness. I think the last few sentences, in particular, need to be re-worked, but did not want to do anything further without your input.
Spring 2017
Phoenix, Arizona
I recently read an article about “flow,” which is at times called mindfulness. Flow is also what some people refer to as being “in the zone,” or as “being at one with things.” For much of the trip, I could truly relate to the majority of that description. At various times in my life, I have experienced being completely absorbed in what I was doing, being so deeply focused on …show more content…
I felt I knew what the trip was about, and challenges notwithstanding, we were going to fly, to keep making progress, and to arrive at our destination. There was truly never a point where I felt we were in serious danger, that we were going to die, or that we would lose the airplane. We continued progressing forward without any anxieties or sense of urgency. We simply moved with a purpose. From my point of view, it was unparalleled. In spite of the problems and complications we faced on a daily basis, in many ways they seemed minor compared to the adventures we experienced and the remarkably pleasant patterns we developed. Challenges filled our days to such a great extent that we regularly joked at breakfast about what difficulties we would encounter that day. Although there was always an issue, they were simply part of what was really a quite pleasing, gratifying routine. For me, the trip provided an extraordinary mix of excitement and calmness. Each day was predictably unpredictable. Any crisis we dealt with was balanced out by the serenity of flying and cruising along in the airplane. I loved it, I just plain loved it. The trip appealed to all the qualities I like in myself and all the activities I enjoy doing. We were constantly going somewhere and solving problems along the way. Our days possessed a Zen-like