During the interview Sarah was very kind and gentle, we had a very nice sort of conversation instead of a strict session of questions and answers. We got along in a great way and the conversation allowed me to get to know about how nursing is in the United States. At the same time she was very open about her experiences and at some times even about her personal life.
As soon as the interview started we were exchanging very funny comments, some about the questions that I asked, others about present issues and even one about “booze” or alcohol. It took me about 25 minutes to finish the process, this is probably because we had a fluent and nice conversation and not just went to straight to the matter.
To start I asked about what inspired her to become a nurse, “My mom, she replied, growing up and watching her knowledge about the human body”, that resulted very exciting to Sarah and had influence in her choice of career. She explained to me the requirements to complete the nursing career; she studied at TC3 for 2 years to obtain an associate’s degree in order to become a nurse. At the moment she is studying to complete a bachelors degree.
She made a joke about men being nurses; she said that still in these times is a bias for a man to be a nurse, although the number is slowly increasing in the US. Sarah loves her schedule at TC3, “great hours compared to a hospital” she said.
When I asked her about how she deals with complaining patients her answer was: “ With humor and telling them that they are being rude, if you want my help respect me”. After dealing with her patients Sarah feel a sense of