Narrative Report
Chess Club SY: 2012-2013 I. Description
The chess club is a part of the many sports club of Holy Infant Academy. It is concerned with the promotion of chess as a sport that includes skill with tactics to play it. Aside from that, we also deal with personal development of our members through a series of tournaments and games held at a convenient time. The chess club holds it meetings twice a month during the first and third Wednesday of a particular month in regards to other school related activities. There are about 64 members of chess club all registered by paying the amount of Php 25.00. The chess club is responsible in providing skilled chess players that has brought many accomplishment inside and outside the school.
II. Accomplishment Report
June- Club Recruitment
July-Election of Officers; Bored Games
August-Try out; Meeting for the selected players
September-Preparation for the upcoming tournaments
October-Tournament preparations for the city meet
November-City Meet (Secondary level- Precious Ellaine Jusi- 2nd place- Girl’s Category Elementary level- Pauline Caballero- Champion Board 2 2nd Place Overall Mary Grace Catapang- Champion Board; Overall Champion Juan Miguel- 2nd place board 2- Boys category)
December- Meetings
January- Bulletin Boards
III. Issues and Concerns * Membership
Among the 64 members of the chess club, only more than half has paid the membership fee. We are hoping to tackle this problem before February ends. * Attendance
There are only about 20 active members of the chess club that leaves the other 44 people in question for attendance. * Schedule
With the numerous school activities happening, the chess club has reduced its number of meeting to avoid conflicts with other activities. The task is to compensate the limited meeting to irregular meetings. IV. Suggestions
The chess club should have added materials and