Narratology- The branch of literary criticism that deals with the structure and function of narrative themes, conventions, and symbols. A term used since 1969 to denote the branch of literary study devoted to the analysis of narratives, and more specifically of forms of narration and varieties of narrator. Narratology as a modern theory is associated chiefly with European structuralism, although older studies of narrative forms and devices, as far back as Aristotle's Poetics (4th century BCE) can also be regarded as narratological works.
1 Antagonist- The antagonist in literature is a character who represents or creates obstacles that the protagonist must overcome. In Great Expectations there is not a single antagonist, but a few throughout the course of the novel. Characters like Magwitch, Mrs. Joe, Miss Havisham and Estella can all be referred to as antagonists at some parts of the novel; however they are all redeemed by the end of the novel. The three characters of Orlick, Bentley Drummle, and Compeyson have not redeemed themselves by the end of the novel and can therefore be referred to as the ‘true’ antagonists of Great Expectations.
2 Comic Relief- This is the inclusion of a comedic character or a humorous scene/phrase to relieve tension in an otherwise serious section of the literature- its purpose being to relieve tension. Pip as a young narrator in the first section of the novel often serves this purpose, putting a childlike and therefore humorous spin on serious situations (like Scout in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’). Joe often serves to provide this humor (especially at the start of the book when Pip is a young boy) because of his relationship with the younger Pip1.
3 Compression of Time- This is fitting of a long amount of time into a short amount of text. (This technique is useful in bildungsroman novels2) Dickens uses this technique throughout Great