1. My previous experience with writing was in high school. I don't mind writing but I am not very good at it. I during the summer I had to write essays for a few internship, and one college. I have been asked to write comparative essays, response essay, argumentative essay, persuasive essay. 2. I do not follow a particular process when I write. I will write the work and I might review it.
3.The longest most difficult paper I had to write was when I was asked to write a 4 page essay on "thousands splendid suns" I went about writing it by rereading the book and review important details that will help me then I started writing essay.
4. During my experiences from other writing assignments I learned to put " around titles of books and I learned how to write a thesis statement, I learned how to properly write a business letter, I also learned that everything you write you must supporting detail.
5. If I had the choice to research any topic and write on it I would research about the california gold rush and how it changed america. I would choose to research this because of how revolutionary that event was, that event created the pants I wear today, it changed american economy for years to come. nnjkjj kkj j mnj j j klj ljj jjjdfknlkfnbvlkxnlj lj l jj j js vojdsndjjcan l nsionoiivsdnv oknsfiovn ks oivn lljojsnvpisjfpoc is vvod [aadjj[aonvlkk dspnpejdanckdnvpdnc[osafjv kwopfpodvnndpojfjvisfoka[pfk[apef0erjvn irhaeijfponnvkdnspiifspjfpisnv ifngirsisnlvbdslkdlkvm vidsnvjfnv vnvb nn