Peta Norma (Petaluma) attached to Sonoma county, Is a charming historic old town, that still preserves Victorian architecture and elegant turn of the century building in today's urban farm style environment, the weather at there is comfortable and it has good living environment also, They have the famous beer, and good conditions right place and become a very important water and land transfer station. On Highway 101 is the main freeway through this town. State Route 116 also runs through town as Lakeville Highway. Petaluma is the best place to live because the environment is good for living and the beer is famous.…
The Anasazi Indians were a very interesting tribe. The word "Anasazi" is a Navajo word meaning "Ancient Ones." The Anasazis, also known as "Cliffdwellers", were a very artistic tribe. They were from the American Southwest and lived in caves in cliff walls.…
carried roof beams more than 50 miles from the forests of Mt. Taylor and Chuskas.…
Although regulated by laws, the tribe retained their tradition values and maintained their tribal autonomy as they continue to govern themselves through tradition. Within duty, justice plays a key role in the in the re-established hunting process. The justice system in this scenario protect all parties involved. The hunters are protected by laws allowing the hunt, The whales are protected by limiting the number of kills allowed, and the environmentalists are protected under personal liberties and guaranteed…
A young deer has strayed away from her herd and is innocently grazing on grass. Ten yards away, a hungry wolf pack slowly stalks toward the fawn after trailing her for days. The deer senses what's happening and darts away, but it's too late, the fawn is as good as dead. The snowy terrain works to the wolf's’ advantage, with their huge paws acting like snowshoes. The wolves advance as their strongest member leads the chase. The pups watch from the sidelines as the deer quickly tires out. The head wolf quickly latches on to the fawn’s nose and brings her to the ground. The deer thrashes as more wolves come and attack her. Not long after, the fawn gives up her fight and the wolves feast.…
As a supreme monarch I, Frederick William the Great Elector, should be the active leader of Nacirema. In my times I was the best ruler and I made many of accomplishment in my life. Besides all the other candidates that is running against me, I believe I will be the only one who can make Nacirema the best of nations in the world. There are many of reasons why I would be the best ruler of this nation and I will highlight two accomplishments that I completed that should allow me to obtain the position as a ruler. One reasons why I should receive the job as a ruler is because I have past experience of ruling over countries. Equally important, while being the ruler over Brandenburg, and Persia the people declared it as the best times of their lives because of the new things I have brought into their lives.…
Well, if you read on you can learn about their habitat and their life! Humans use narwhals their tusks or tooth and skin. Do want to know more? Keep reading and you will.…
Narwhals have many different traits and this is what this paragraph is about. The Narwhal is their common name and their scientific name is Monodon monoceros. In Old Norse, Narwhal means “Corpse Whale”. They can be legally hunted and the Narwhals natural predators are polar bears, orcas, and sharks. The Narwhal's tusk or horn is…
Naos can be described in three words: stubborn, protective, and kind. She is a cis female guardian with a gruff voice that loves to give rough bear hugs. Funnily enough, her spirit animal is a bear! She is a gray-homoromantic asexual that doesn't particularly care for anything else than the platonic life. Her preferred clothing is simple and durable, to fit her lifestyle. She loves nature and often goes on walks to look at flowers and pick up rocks she finds along the way! Naos is a leader that's not afraid to have flaws. She's aware that she's not perfect. That's what we all love so much about her! Alongside her fierce passion to protect…
The author approached the topic differently than the author of the textbook by going straight to the point and not going around the main idea. The topic is about how the Neanderthals boiled their foods and why they did it the way they did. Although they had no pots, pans nor any sort of utensils to make their food they always found their way and it seems to be that it was very delicious even though "wouldn't have won any prizes on Top Chef" (Vergano). Their foods were not actual step by step meals it was more of foods that are able to boil. Since they did not have any sort of pot/pans they had to boil their food. It is easier to boil foods because of their lack of utensils but the Neanderthals were very clever as Mr. Vergano mentions. All…
When it comes to American literature, most people think of only the stories that Americans have written throughout American history. They do not think of the Native Americans or the European explorers and settlers that lived in and explored the land. Many of their stories and literature are hard to find, translate, and research since it was a long time ago. However, the natives, the settlers, and the explorers have literature that is just as much of a big part of American literature than any other groups. In these stories the three different groups talk about their social, religious, and economic aspects and through these three things, how they lived their lives in America.…
In the world we live in today, animals everyday get killed brutally, and are lacerated with no thought of their family at all. poachers are uneducated people that kill animals, so they can keep their torn off heads, and brag about being a killer to their friends with proof. Hunting is a big issue in our world, with poachers killing lots of animals, they end up going extinct. 23% of animal extinctions have been from hunting in the past 400 years! Such animals include the:…
Hunting is a common activity all around the world, and if performed properly, can have many benefits to us and the rest of the planet. The art of hunting has been around since the beginning of time. Living off of the land used to be a necessity across the world, until the mass production of food came along. In America, people do not usually need to hunt to survive. However, the population of animal species needs to be controlled. Too many of one type of animal can cause a drastic change to any ecosystem. Food supplies decline quickly, leaving many animals without food. Hunting can help keep the population of a group of animals at a good number, making the lives of the other species easier. Hunters and fishermen are some of the most prominent demographic groups, and have an annual economic contribution of $70 billion (Eaton). Taxes from this also benefit the habitat by funding wildlife control (Gibbons). Hunting contains many positive effects on the world and the things living in it. Some people have negative views on this activity, but the amount of positive affects it has on society overbears the negative ones.…
The wolf is truly a special animal. As the most widely distributed of all land mammals, the wolf, formally the gray wolf (Canis lupus), is also one of the most adaptable. It inhabits all the vegetation types of the Northern Hemisphere and preys on all the large mammals living there. It also feeds on all the other animals in its environment, scavenges, and can even eat fruits and berries. Wolves frequent forests and prairies, tundra, barren ground, mountains, deserts, and swamps. Some wolves even visit large cities, and, of course, the wolf's domesticated version, the dog, thrives in urban environments.…
On it says “Sealing is not simply about the hunt; it’s about gaining first-hand knowledge of wildlife and the environment, sharing food among the community, preparing skins for clothing, preserving traditional skills, transferring knowledge from elders to youth, and celebrating Inuit cultural values.” Also, according to an education piece released by eduplace, the Inuit have relied on the Arctic resources for more than 4,000 years. Seal hunting is not just the act of killing a seal as there is so much more history behind it. It the passing of knowledge through generations whether through hunting or clothe making. In the movie Angry Inuk, there is a scene where a man has a flashback to when he was younger and there was an older lady who used to watch him and he asked her if there was anything he could do in return as a payment. And as the scene progressed on the lady replied to him, “Do not offer anything in return, but become a good hunter and provide for others in the community.” This sense of community is brought to those of the arctic regions because of seal hunting. When a seal is killed after the hunter has taken their share, the seal is brought into the public area and is distributed among all the families their free of charge. People in Nunavut have been living in those regions…