Standards: Website Lesson Plans
Edwina Schweitzer
Grand Canyon University: EED 364
November 25, 2012
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a council that has set in place standards that are to be followed and adhered to when creating mathematical lesson plans. These standards are national and require a lot of the teachers as far as what and how they teach math. While there are many choices of lesson plans that support the standards set by the NCTM regarding number sense and operations, only four will be used to fulfill the following criteria.
1. Four lesson plans were chosen to illustrate the support of the NCTM standards:
A. Problem-solving: Math, episode 1, (Discovery Education, n.d.) is a lesson plan that helps students understand the importance of numbers. In this lesson the objectives are to show the students the importance of numbers in math, and show examples of how they are used in everyday life. The students start out by watching the video, Problem-solving: Math, episode 1, and then talking about all of the numbers that they see in the classroom, such as the numbers on a clock or how many paint brushes or windows there are. The students are then asked to imagine a world without numbers and give ideas of how things would be different. They are then asked to write down examples of how they have used numbers, such as dividing candy among friends, being first in line, or being measured at the doctor. They are then asked to share these examples with the class and post them as a reminder of the importance of numbers in their everyday lives.
B. Activity 3: Exploring the effect of operations on decimals, (Illuminations, 2000-2012) is a lesson plan that gives students the opportunity to “explore the effects of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on decimal numbers.” This lesson provides a Maze Playing Board