1. Analyze the current process. Using the process flow map and the current process at Receiving Plant Number 1, mark the capacity and utilization of each of the resources. Show the flows of wet and dry berries separately.
The capacity and the utilization of each process in the flow map is calculated and shown below. Utilization is solved by dividing the flow (of either the wet or the dry) and dividing it by the capacity for that particular process. Each capacity was figured by either given information within the case or the posting that you gave us in blackboard. For example, wet berries at 75% of all the berries. That information informs you that the dry berries took up the other 25% of the berries. Little information was given throughout the case that let you know how to solve the capacity for each step in the flow map of the National Cranberry Cooperation.
The bottleneck for this company/process is the Dryer for the wet berries. I have figured this because the capacity for the dryer is only 200 bbl. and there is only three dryers. This lets you know to solve capacity for the dryer you multiply 200 by three. This gives you a result of 600. Then you take the flow for the wet berries, which is 600, and divide that by the capacity (600). This gives you 1, which is equivalent to 100% (1*100). Since the utilization is 100% and is the highest, this lets you know that this step is the bottleneck of the entire scenario.
2. On a busy day, what is RP1’s current maximum throughput rate?
The maximum throughput rate equals 975 bbl./hour. This is figured by taking 375 (dry berries) and adding 600 (wet berries) to that. To increase the throughput National Cranberry Cooperative would have to increase the amount of wet berries that they are producing per hour. This is the same as if the company were to decrease their throughput.
3. Assuming that all of the operation at RP1 starts at 7:00 AM on a “busy” day, present the