As I mentioned, we support your foundation’s initiative Goal 2025, and also an Alliance Partner of America’s Promise, in raising the nation’s graduation rate to 90% by 2020.
This year, we’ve launched the National Graduation Week project in supporting of both causes; as it relates to our project -12 Million Drive for 2025
The National Graduation Week main features are:
1. It’s a social media campaign to celebrate the outstanding accomplishment of our nation’s students, teachers, school staff, organizations, and our community parents, during high school graduation ceremonies across …show more content…
The event is a two-week social media campaign using hashtags on high school’s websites and social media accounts, followed by graduating seniors using their social media accounts during the week of their graduation, to thank their parents, teachers and other school staff.
4. The hashtags are #Classof2016, #GradWeek, high school’s Name, States, Cities, School Districts, your organization’s name and #GradNation used by the high schools; and the students using hashtags #Classof2016, #GradWeek, and #ThanksParents, #ThanksMom, Thanks teacher names, etc.
As I shared with you, we also want to provide college information to the high school’s participating. It’s our plan to introduce the schools underclassmen, with information on how to get access to higher education, and funding avenues that are available, the week before the school’s graduating ceremony.
If your organization is interested in participating and providing the college information for the schools, please feel free to contact me at (856) 541-3926 or via email at So that we can set-up a more informed meeting.
Thank you again for speaking me and we look forward to hearing from