: a key element for prevention and protection against non-communicable diseases (obesity, heart diseases, T2 diabetis …) • Spread of these diseases : inadequate nutritional intake / lack of physical activity • Since 2001, Public Health priority : a French nutritional policy • National programs implemented in which play a role at different levels.
·WHO 1998 : World strategy for food, physical activity and health ·High Council Public Health (HCSP) set nutrition goals : basis for defining actions · : to improve health of the entire population by acting on one of its major determinants: Nutrition . 2001-2006: PNNS 1 (National Health Nutrition Plan) . 2006-2010: PNNS 2 . 2011-2015: PNNS 3 + PO (Obesity plan) 2010-2013 + PNA (National Food Plan) 2011-2016 + Evaluation
1. To reduce overweight and obesity 2. To increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior at all ages 3. To improve eating habits and nutritional intake : - Increase fruit and vegetable consumption
Reduce salt intake Increase calcium intake among high risk group Increase iron intake “ “ “ Improve the folate status of women of childbearing age Promote breastfeeding
4. To reduce the prevalence of nutritional diseases
(undernutrition, eating disorders).
objectifs initialement fixés ont été :
• P
prevalence of children overweight and obesity: stabilization Reduced salt and sugar consumption Increased fruit consumption (adults) • But, all the initial objectives have not been met! • Improvement affected not uniformly all segments of the population and health inequalities have widened in the field of nutrition.
New goals set by HCSP • 1. To reduce adult overweight and obesity • 2. To increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior at all ages • 3. To improve dietary practices and nutrient intake, especially at-risk populations • 4. To reduce the prevalence of nutritional diseases (undernutrition, eating