Pakistan has a traditional society which is full of several kinds of inequalities and various kinds of prejudices and discriminations based on caste, creed, race, tribe, sex, wealth language etc. So in these circumstances Pakistani nationalism is the only ideology of the Pakistani nation. Its ideal and principles are love and devotion to Pakistan as a country and as a nation. Pakistani patriotism inspires all Pakistanis, regardless of any discrimination, to defend Pakistan against all challenges ot its unity, solidarity and integrity. The principles of Pakistani nationalism were proclaimed by Quaid-e-Azam in his speech at Dhaka on 21 March, 1948, in which he said
You belong to a Nation now, you have now carved out a territory, vast territory, it is all yours; it does not belong to a Punjabi, or a Sindhi, or a Pathan, [or a Balochi] ... it is yours.
These words of Quaid-e-Azam are the true essence of Pakistani nationalism and are the real basis of Pakistan's unity, solidarity and integrity. But it is a misfortune of Pakistan that since the death of Quaid-e-Azam it did not always have a dedicated political leadership and love of democratic practices.
Pakistani nationalism had taken shape in the minds of the Muslims of the Sub Continent long before Pakistan actually came into existence. An ideology acquired territorial recognition to let the Islamic way of life