The directions of the strategy include developing, and maintain communities that encourage health and wellness through many preventive measures, making sure regarding the availability of preventive health care and community prevention efforts, encouraging people to make healthy choices, and eliminating health disparities. Also, this strategy has seven priorities that are tobacco free environment, eating healthy food, active living, sexual and reproductive health, educational and mental well-being, prevention of excessive
alcohol use and drug use, violence and injury free living (Surgeon general, 2016).
After one year of NPS implementation, there was a clear progress in the improvement of people’s health and in applying preventive measures for unhealthy behavior.
The NPS progress include making the food affordable, creating a tobacco free environment, and increasing the accessibility to the healthcare facilities (CDC, 2014).
To maintain and encourage the NPS to be more productive that need a leadership who is focusing on the priorities and the directions of the strategy, and include public and private partners. The NPS is working to improve individuals and communities health status and quality of life (CDC, 2014).
The NPS implementation is facing many challenges that include political, economic, institutional and bureaucratic challenges (Rigby, 2011).
If I was able to make prevention-related changes to the U.S. health care system I would increase the budget of preventive measure, provide poor people with free screening measures such as blood sugar test, blood pressure measurement, lipid profile, Pap smear, colonoscopy, mammogram, bone scan, and others, creating education campaigns to educate people about the common diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, HIV, and others.