To begin with, it is said in the OLO that in secondary schools, students need to “develop and use language through a diversity of disciplines” (MoE & HR, 2009, p.16) so as to be able to “understand …show more content…
It is my duty to increase awareness in my learners about the social and environmental problems and inculcate in them the habit of cleanliness in the classroom and in the school compound as this will help them in the future not to litter everywhere and cause pollution which will become problematic for them in the long run, especially with the problems like global warming. They should also preserve their natural environment like the fauna and flora and should preserve them from being extinct. Similarly, the child must learn to respect the "people, plants, animals and resources" because we are consumers and producers; meaning, we are responsible to produce and consume the resources (plastic, electricity, water, etc), plants (bio-agriculture, the number of herbicides and pesticides we use to produce good quality of foods) and animals (livestock etc). The learner should be a responsible consumer, as we consume we should produce and not consume more than we produce as this will affect the economy of the country and the health of the …show more content…
As his teacher, I should help my student to integrate socially with the society. “Social integration” will encourage the student to help other people to integrate and be comfortable in the society they live in. He should also be aware of the cultural context of the society he lives in; the way of life - the customs and traditions of his society and the religions of other people and his and respect them. He should “interact with others from diverse cultures” (MoE & HR, 2009, p.16). He should also know the geography of the country, that is, he should respect the space of his neighbours and vice versa and also, he should know the historical background of his country like where they came from and take pride in our nation’s cultural heritage, and finally he should have a notion of the economy of the country, for instance, to know how the economy works in the country; what are the sources of income of the country such as tourism, exports of local products, among others. Therefore, he is developing his “emotional, social and moral intelligence” in order to achieve a sense of