When donating money to organizations many people are worried about if their money is even going to the organization or, if it’s going into someone else’s pocket. Organizations tell people that their money goes to helping people, animals, or anything that will manage to get your attention. Most of these charities make depressing commercials to grab the viewer's attention and make them feel sorry for what has happened to these people or animals. Well the real question is how do you actually know if your money is going to save this innocent dog or this suffering person?…
One day there was a hurricane this hurricane was known as Katrina. Izaac and Kamrin and Shane were playing football and we saw a deer and at that moment, a large gust of wind smacked the car in front of the deer. We went flying a few feet in the air when we gained our senses, and looked at the deer all we saw was deer guts and skin.…
First of all, a crisis hotline is a number that one may call when they are in need of immediate emergency telephone counseling by trained volunteers. To start, you need to assess yourself; meaning to make sure all your own problems are set aside in case you come in contact with someone who has a similar situation that you have been through but isn’t resolved. Then, the training begins. You will need to learn to react under emergency situations and under pressure. You will also learn different counseling techniques, although through the hotline you will be having the person in the crisis situation be the decision-maker. You will need to have them gain your trust and be able to open up freely to you.…
With the Civil War over, the nation faced the difficult problems of rebuilding the South, assisting the freed slaves, reintegrating the Southern states into the Union, and deciding who would direct the Reconstruction process.…
Black History month is celebrated each year during the month of February. During this month, the United States along with Canada and the United Kingdom, remember the important people and events in the history of the African people as they moved from their original homeland to other locations around the world. Having its origins in “Negro History Week” which was created by noted African American historian, scholar, educator and publisher, Carter G. Woodson, this became a month-long celebration in 1976. February was chosen as the month during which this celebration would occur to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.…
I attended a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting held at the Salvation Army building in my hometown. Upon entering the meeting room, the few people that were in the room did say hello to me, however, no one asked me why I was there. I was left alone to choose my seat wondering what was next. Eventually, a middle-aged man entered the room. I soon learned that he was running the meeting. He asked if it was my first time there. I told him that it was and before I could explain my presence I was handed several brochures and asked to read a laminated sheet when called upon. He quickly moved on with his meeting set-up duties. So, being a bit nervous, I chose to sit quietly and review the materials given to me. As others entered the room, I noticed that many were in probably in their twenties and then some in their thirties, forties, and beyond. Some were well dressed and others poorly dressed, coming from all walks of life. There were more men in attendance than women. It was obvious that many of them knew one another as they were having conversations. Some brought their small children probably not having babysitters or able to afford one.…
Black History month at one time held an important part in our nation’s history. It was a time when blacks were treated poorly and not given equal rights. They were discriminated against at every level. They were denied entrance into Sports, Colleges and even some churches. They were never recognized for any of their accomplishments. A black person was considered less than qualified in several areas. Black history month was originated to make people aware of the accomplishments of several black personalities. Over the years as the Black people began to excel and be accepted as equal persons. The need to have a separate day has, in my opinion, lost its value.…
Black history month is a time to remember the path that African Americans have created in order for us to succeed. Many people feel that celebrating this month is unnecessary…
Black History Month celebrates the notable impact on society and contributions made to the world by those African descendants that made a difference. Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as "Negro History Week" and later as "Black History Month". I am going to talk about Afro-American life over history and then about some people who made a difference in society, especially, from the Afro- American community.…
Many people view Black History Month as a celebration of African-American achievements, but is it necessary? The agenda of this observation fails to improve any of the oppression placed on Black life. There are no other ethnicities or races that have a special month for themselves. Also, if Black History was implemented in all history textbooks the need for the month would be void.…
were living in unsheltered locations.” (1) Out of those numbers, 12 in every 10,000 people residing in…
this month by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia found that the…
During reconstruction, black lives had changed dramatically. There were changes that related to slavery, and changes that gave blacks citizenship, voting rights, civil rights, and much more. The period of reconstruction was a struggle for African Americans, however by the time it was over, they could all breathe a sigh of relief.…
Homeless people all around the world are starving and nobody is doing anything about it. Homelessness is defined as a person who "lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." (Cite)They are starving because of the poverty in the world, the whole world's population as we know it, and community's pretending not to see it happening . Poverty is a big thing that affects homelessness in the U.S (cite) . The population increases every day and that makes the world more populated and creates more homeless people. The community pretends that they do not see people and just let them die right in their faces Worldwide, homelessness is caused by a breakdown in traditional family support systems, continued urbanization, the effects of structural adjustment programs, civil wars, and natural disasters. (Cite)…
Rehabilitation is a word that is used often within the corrections, in the prison setting. It is an attempt to change an individual’s attitude and behavior. There are programs that are to prevent habitual offenders, help a criminal get to their normal state of mind and not to be punishing for their action that may cause the criminal to change and become an outstanding citizen that follows the rules instead of the individual getting out and committing another crime.…