National Security Strategy & Policy – Basic Concepts 1. In order to understand the concept of National Security Strategy & Policy (NSSP), it is pertinent to understand certain fundamentals. They are: a. Concept of nation-state in its universal application and more so its relevancy to Pakistan b. National Purpose (NP), a statement of resolve and determination for which a Nation – State aspires to exist. c. Determination of National Interests (NI) for which and Nation-State vows to live for d. A general view of Elements of National Power (ENP), the factors which provide requisite force to determination of NIs. e. Based on the above, formulation of NSSP is done by the government and disseminated to all concerned for further action. The latter is in the form of document essentially outlining major national security concerns and the government’s plans to deal with them. 2. National Security is the requirement to maintain the Survival of the State through the use of Economic, Diplomatic, Power Projection and Political Power. Another definition of National Security is, “Freedom from foreign dictation.” Yet another definition is, “National Security is an appropriate and aggressive blend of political resilience, economic structure, and capacity, technological competence, industrial base, and availability of natural resources, and finally the military might”. 3. It would be interesting to know that only a handful of countries (USA,UK, Australia, India, France etc) have undertaken a formal effort of formulating NSSP and then disseminating to general public in addition to their Legislators. The leading country in this regard is USA which puts up NSSP almost every two years. Pakistan has also started formulating NSSP since 9/11 but it being classified ‘Top Secret’ has authorized revelation only. It is essentially kept away from the public eyes. The US documents describes the
National Security Strategy & Policy – Basic Concepts 1. In order to understand the concept of National Security Strategy & Policy (NSSP), it is pertinent to understand certain fundamentals. They are: a. Concept of nation-state in its universal application and more so its relevancy to Pakistan b. National Purpose (NP), a statement of resolve and determination for which a Nation – State aspires to exist. c. Determination of National Interests (NI) for which and Nation-State vows to live for d. A general view of Elements of National Power (ENP), the factors which provide requisite force to determination of NIs. e. Based on the above, formulation of NSSP is done by the government and disseminated to all concerned for further action. The latter is in the form of document essentially outlining major national security concerns and the government’s plans to deal with them. 2. National Security is the requirement to maintain the Survival of the State through the use of Economic, Diplomatic, Power Projection and Political Power. Another definition of National Security is, “Freedom from foreign dictation.” Yet another definition is, “National Security is an appropriate and aggressive blend of political resilience, economic structure, and capacity, technological competence, industrial base, and availability of natural resources, and finally the military might”. 3. It would be interesting to know that only a handful of countries (USA,UK, Australia, India, France etc) have undertaken a formal effort of formulating NSSP and then disseminating to general public in addition to their Legislators. The leading country in this regard is USA which puts up NSSP almost every two years. Pakistan has also started formulating NSSP since 9/11 but it being classified ‘Top Secret’ has authorized revelation only. It is essentially kept away from the public eyes. The US documents describes the