And now something about the author of the play King Lear. William Shakespeare is the greatest personality of the English Renaissance. He wrote 37 plays which are commonly divided into 3 parts. • Comedies and historical plays – A midsummer Night´s Dream, Julius Cesar, Richard III. • Tragedies (because he started to be disappointed with the way of developing of society) – Romeo and Julie, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet • Finally he put up with a life and started to wrote Romances and Fairy tales – The winter´s Tale, The Tempest
Now I´d like to move on the play. It is the tragedy of a king who is not able to recognize true love. King Lear, a wise and revered man descending into madness. The tragedy of a daughter who loves her father too much. The tragedy of a land in which intrigue does away with the ruler’s reason. Many a time, great words and preposterous gestures cannot be taken back. Fate can be merciless, sarcastic and cruel, just like the people who create it. The Elizabethan genius elevated the fairy tale to great drama. The peerless stage director Jan Nebeský, possessing a unique scenic style and