Abstract: 2
Introduction: 2
Methods: 3
Results: 3
4.(i) Table 1 3
4.(ii) Table 2: 4
4.(iii)Table 3 5
Discussion: 8
Conclusion: 10
References: 10
Appendices: 10
Surrounding an issue of your choice, how does the media help circulate particular Understandings of Australia as an imagined ‘community’?
Event: December 2005 Cronulla Race Riots
Author: Hope Blazely
On December 11, 2005 the Sydney beach-side suburb of Cronulla was subject to the worst race riots and ‘revenge raids’ in Australian history. Its origins lay in the mutual suspicions of an Anglo-Celtic surfing culture espousing ‘Australian values’ and Lebanese youths of ‘Middle Eastern appearance’. The explosive outburst had been fed for some time by the politics of fear and suspicion with respect to Muslim / Middle Eastern other, public concerns about attitudes towards women, and media populism. Those Australian values defended were at times linked with a residual Christian influence.
The Cronulla riots have been described as the worst racial riots since Australia abolished the White Australia Policy (Newspaper articles). As a result of the Australia’s Multicultural identity which is portrayed to the rest of the world was questioned when they see the angry out-bursts between people of different ethnic backgrounds.
“Humans are territorial, drawing a sense of security, comfort and identity from their immediate locality. As a result, common-sense understandings of shared space and mutual identity often emerge, which are not connected to administrative boundaries” (Valentine G 2001, p112). In the context of the 2005 Cronulla Riot this can been seen in the way that the resident of Cronulla felt a sense of security in that fact it was a predominately white society, which they perhaps felt was threatened with those of Middle Eastern Appearance.
Valentine also discusses Benedict Anderson’s concept of imagined communities which stated that while not everyone
References: Allon F, 1997 ‘Home as Cultural Translation: John Howard’s Earlwood’ Communal/Plural, pp. 1-13 Due C and Riggs W, 2007 ‘We Grew Here you flew here’ Claim to “Home” in the Cronulla Riots Valentine G, 2001 ‘Community’, Social Geographies: Space and Society, Prentice Hall, New York pp. 105-139 Appendices: