Imperial Nationalism is embodied in the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). Despite the groups appellation there is nothing Liberal about the group, as in actuality the group is very right-wing when it comes to its ideologies. The LDPR was founded in 1990 as the first sanctioned opposition party. The first presidential elections in 1991 are considered a success for the party, with its leader coming in third place.4 The LDPR has always had a platform that possessed populist ideas like eliminating taxes for small businesses and doubling the salary of teachers.5 It was populist ideas like this that would earn the LDPR its largest vote received to this day in the 1993 Duma elections. Zhirinovsky and the LDPR managed to secure twenty-three percent of the vote.6 The LDPR has not managed to hold that amount of the vote, and usually their percentage is always below ten percent for the Duma elections since …show more content…
Radical Nationalism is embodied in one of the largest groups to come out of the post-Soviet period, the now disbanded Russian National Unity (RNU). This group was a paramilitary neo-Nazi movement. Its members bore a modified swastika, and saw themselves as the successors to the pre-Soviet monarchist group, the Black Hundreds.15 The RNU called for the expulsion of all non-Russians from the country, as well as an increase in power of the Russian Orthodox Church. The group was founded by Alexander Barkashov just one year before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and membership was estimated to get up to