“The Age of liberal democracy is also the Age of nationalism” (Bernard Yack, 2003) . Throughout history, the relationship between nationalism and the emergence and proliferation of the liberal democratic state has been closely intertwined. Examples of democratic states that rose in tandem with nationalism are the French Revolution in 1789 and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England. There are two main types of nationalism that will be focused on in this discussion, namely cultural and political nationalism. Cultural nationalism is “the doctrine that one’s national culture and interests are superior to any other” (Dictionary.com, 2006) . Political nationalism is “the doctrine that nations should act independently, rather than collectively, to attain their goals” (Dictionary.com, 2006) , that is, being an individual deposition involving intense feelings of loyalty to a perceived sovereign political entity. Multiculturalism is the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation.
Nationalism has been the subject of fierce contestation and cause of many political conflicts that have arose. Political leaders gradually came to understand that nationalism is necessary for cohesion to make political power legitimate. “Under their rule, institutional state power had become increasingly centralized, but further consolidation of that stare power required engagement and support from the populace” (Anthony W. Marx, 2003) . It is a paradox that the unification of large-scale states places emphasis on the
References: Bertram, Christopher. 2004. Sovereignty and the General Will (Book 2, Chs 1-6). In: Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Rousseau and The Social Contract. pg 101. London, New York: Routledge Gould & Pasquino How to Bring Peaceful Coexistence Back to the Middle East. 2004. The Tech: Online Edition. Cambridge: The Tech. < http://www-tech.mit.edu/V124/N5/aimeesmith.5c.html> (accessed 18 October, 2007) Jefferson, Thomas Marx, Anthony W.. 2003. Founding Exclusion. In: Faith in Nation. pg. 73. New York: Oxford University Press Marx, Anthony W. Morris-Hale, Walter. 1996. Introduction. In: conflict and harmony in multi-ethnic societies: an international perspective. pg 5. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. Moseley, Alexander Nationalism. Dictionary.com. WordNet® 3.0. Princeton University. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nationalism> (accessed October 18, 2007). <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nationalism> (accessed October 18, 2007). Tamil National Foundation. 1998/2007. Official Language Act, 1956. <http://www.tamilnation.org/srilankalaws/56sinhala.htm> Yack, Bernard Yack, Bernard. 2003. The Return of the Coercive State: Behavioral Control in Multicultural Society. In: The Nation-state in Question. pg. 110. New Jersey: Princeton University Press