My grandfather was around during the town’s segregation and as it goes he was not in favor of the Hispanics at the time. He seems to despise them but he is from the generation that was around during the time so I understand his feelings towards the people. The city is still in a way divided but only figuratively as people were not as harsh as they were back then. Schools are no longer separated by color and they are no longer allowed to force people out of their stores depending on race. It is a wonderful thing to see people forgetting about the past and looking to move forward. It may not be the best to just forget about it but at least it is a start so people can learn to forgive instead of …show more content…
When you think about it you can use this small town as an example for larger city’s like Denver who I bet had a huger segregation issue in its past as well. Or may even have it to this day. You never quite know what to believe in people but sometimes that won’t matter as long things get better. It things don’t get better what is the point of the whole issue? Our cultures are finally able to merge making something new and interesting. Wyoming is a great state for cultures to merge as we have so many. People think of Wyoming being the backwater of America where all the drugs come from but in reality we do supply the country with most its energy. We most likely know a thing or