Arnold describes their pain, their reality, and the beautifulness of their culture within the book with no discrimination. He treats every part of it as a piece of his heritage, his culture. Arnold doesn’t treat the good parts as any less impactful than the bad or even morbid ones. He acknowledges the drunkenness of his people, while recognizing the beauty of their ceremonies. He mourns the death of his grandmother while celebrating the Native American traditions that surround death. He reminds us many a time, that there are terrible parts of his heritage, but through it all Arnold still loves and reveres his heritage, his culture, and his people. In a way this should illustrate to us that we need to acknowledge even the worse parts of everything to fully appreciate it as a whole.
America needs to learn, as a nation, that ignoring the bad won’t remove it. And that the act of giving your all to right an issue, is non-negotiable. If it is worth your attention and your compassion, then it is worth your dedication. But I digress, the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, is a novel able to define the plight of the Native American and bring it to a more relatable and understandable level. Without the existence of this novel, I’m sure a large number of people would not know of the injustices the Native Americans still