Puritans strongly worshipped God and a structured way of life. They relied on making things themselves, for example making their own clothing and materials, practiced male supremacy, and cherished education. This was an important time in the development of our country as life expectancy went up, education strengthened and religion kept progressing. The literature displaying puritanism can range from sermons, poems and written pieces. US history.org claims “Church attendance was mandatory. Those that missed church regularly were subject to a fine. The sermon became a means of addressing town problems or concerns.” This quote shows how important church was to the puritans and how it helped paint a structured culture. Puritanism is a very crucial belief that paved our country’s future and diversity. Native Americans and puritans at this time created contrast and both were widely present, which brings me to my next point, rationalism in the colonial …show more content…
America began to form as the founding fathers came together to declare independance and set rules and boundaries for our country as a whole to abide by. Many documents were made during this famous period of development, including the Declaration of Independance, Articles of Confederation, and many more smaller scaled documents to contribute to the United States’ newfound rules and freedom. The literature written is extremely important to this country and is taught to most students who live here to ensure understanding of the impact these pieces had and still have on our country. Without these rationalist ideas, people coming together, practical ideas, and impactful pieces of literature, our country would not be successful and as developed as it