Since the founding of Jamestown in 1607 the relationship between the English colonist and the Native Americans was delicate. The greatest troubles between the two groups was land, the colonists didn’t understand the English view of land ownership. The English believed that they owned the land and it didn’t belong to anyone else, land
meant wealth and power.
Overtime the peace between the English settlers and the Native Americans deteriorated, causing the settlers to meet with the chief of the Wampanoag, King Phillip. In 1675 a Native American messenger for the English was killed and three Wampanoag were accused and then executed for the murder. In response King Phillip order an attack on Swansea, which lead the Wampanoag raiding settlements and colonists murdered. The English settlers retaliated by destroying a village called, Narragansett which lead to several New England colonies involved. In 1676, King Phillip was assassinated by Native Americans who worked for the English settlers. When King Phillip was killed the Native Americans lost the war because the colonists outnumbered them. They were equipped with better weapons and because the Native Americans were always at war, they had no time to grow crops, so they died of starvation.
After the defeat he English displayed King Phillips head on a stake in Plymouth and his mutilated body were strung up on tree. Since the 1492 the relationship between the Native Americans and the English colonists deteriorated casing the lives of hundreds. The Kings Phillips War was the most devastating for the Native American people because the colonists defeated them. In result, families were forced into slavery, some abroad, others locally.