“A Changing Religious Landscape:
Per spectives on the Muslim Exper ience in Nor th Amer ica”
Azim Nanji*
Abstr act
In the last half of the twentieth century, Muslim communities in North America have been increasingly recognised as an established minority rather than a ‘mere exotic presence’. Their
‘encounters’ with their host communities have been multidimensional and consist of a diverse set of experiences. This article explores three dimensions through which Muslims have interacted with their communities of adoption: a) the establishment and creation of community space for prayer and gathering; b) addressing the normative values embodied in family life and tradition within an alternative and primarily secular context of law and rights; and c) recognising the importance of education as a tool for furthering identity and opportunity amidst assimilative national models.
Keywor ds
Encounter, heritage, culture, religion, Islam, pluralism, diversity, architecture, tradition, prejudice, Qur’an, identity, family, status, transition, ethics, education, Islamic Studies,
Europe, Canada, USA, America, Muslims, education, marriage, women, space, normative, values, assimilation, multiculturalism, law, civil society, faith, culture.
This article was originally published as ʻThe Cultural and Religious H eritage: Perspectives on the Muslim Experience,ʼ
Religious Conscience, the State and the Law: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Significance, ed. John McLaren and Harold
Coward. ( Albany: State University of New York, 1999) , pp. 224- 238.
Azim Nanji assumed the role of Director of The Institute of Ismaili Studies in 1998. Previously he was Professor and
Chair of the Department of Religion at the University of Florida and has held academic and administrative appointments at various American and Canadian Universities. Professor Nanji has authored, co- authored and edited several books included: The Nizari Ismaili Tradition ( 1976) , The