According to Marxist critics, “Human consciousness is any era is constituted by an ideology.” This quote demonstrates that the need for human necessities is formed from one’s conscience, similarly Bigger’s financial shortages lead him to commit crime to make money. Wright writes, “He needed money; if he did not get any money he would not know what to do with himself the rest of the day…. If they could (rob Blum’s) it would mean some sure and quick money” (13-14). Bigger’s shortage of money symbolizes the shortage of money that most African American’s face; the need for money forces them to rob others to meet their financial needs. Because African Americans resort to crime in order to meet their necessities, they end up being shunned by white society which causes harm to the African American Community. Consequently, the tension between the two races results in further division within the city of …show more content…
Marxist criticism describes a scenario where a wealthy community uses its power to oppress a poverty stricken community resulting hostility. The African American community’s lack of money results in more crime, more tension and further division between African Americans and white folks, as a results an unhealthy society where wealthy white people oppress the poor black people forms. Additionally, the wealthy white folks in the community have a surplus of money, which also leads to an unhealthy society as the upper class oppress the lower class based on skin color. It is important for the reader to understand that the community with more money and more power will unjustly oppress the other community because there is a lot of racial segregation contributing to making the city of Chicago an unhealthy place to live. Undoubtedly, the negative effects of the racial segregation are a warning to the reader that division caused by wealth between different races has a horrid effect on