Grand Canyon University: HCA 545
June 11th, 2014
Businesses today across the gamut have a board or strategic management team in place to handle the business like making decisions and setting the direction. This important so that the company knows where it’s going and they can be successful. Management should consider adding business contingency plan to their strategic planning. This will incorporate what to do and how to keep the business running in the event of a disaster. Some businesses have different departments or committees that may have an emergency plan but it is not sufficient. Coming together as one to plan for the unthinkable may not be what a company or business management want to think but it is very important.
The reason this needs to be addressed is because there are so many new ways and threats to our country that we can’t even keep up with. Bio-weapons alone needs its own chapter in how to handle an attack if such a situation arises. A business needs to able to bounce back or have a quick turn-around in the wake of an disaster. This helps them not lose so much in revenue as well and the business will help keep the community’s economy thriving. An unplanned or well organized BCP can lead to a loss of the company’s workforce, the customers they may serve and the family members of staff.
So what should be included in a contingency plan for it to be successful? The company that I work for does not have a plan for our building however we do have a code word in the even we are in danger. The staff of any business should be we prepared by going through some sort of well-organized and informative training. This should take place after planning has been implemented and is readily available to the workforce. A chain of command and communication should be clearly stated and understood. This would include giving individuals their duties and them knowing what are they are