| Cultural Relativism - Neilsen questions the unchanging nature of Primary Precepts in Natural Law, using Cultural Relativism. Gareth Moore argues our nature is a product of culture and society. | Double Effect - gets around problems of conflicting secondary precepts. | Double Effect - brings in consequentialism through the back door. You are allowed to do some terrible things because of double effect, and at other times you can’t do really helpful things. | Instinctive - Natural Law’s rules are in line with our instincts and intuitions. | Agape - Jesus was opposed to legalism, and broke rules in order to do the most loving thing. | Virtues - Focuses on human virtues and excellence – the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, and theological virtues of faith, hope and charity | Too optimistic - It has a too optimistic view of human nature. Augustine disagrees (original sin), as does Calvin (total depravity). | Thriving - Helps humans achieve health, happiness, friendship etc. | Unholistic - Vardy/Grosh – Aquinas’ view of human nature is unholistic and over-simplified
| Cultural Relativism - Neilsen questions the unchanging nature of Primary Precepts in Natural Law, using Cultural Relativism. Gareth Moore argues our nature is a product of culture and society. | Double Effect - gets around problems of conflicting secondary precepts. | Double Effect - brings in consequentialism through the back door. You are allowed to do some terrible things because of double effect, and at other times you can’t do really helpful things. | Instinctive - Natural Law’s rules are in line with our instincts and intuitions. | Agape - Jesus was opposed to legalism, and broke rules in order to do the most loving thing. | Virtues - Focuses on human virtues and excellence – the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, and theological virtues of faith, hope and charity | Too optimistic - It has a too optimistic view of human nature. Augustine disagrees (original sin), as does Calvin (total depravity). | Thriving - Helps humans achieve health, happiness, friendship etc. | Unholistic - Vardy/Grosh – Aquinas’ view of human nature is unholistic and over-simplified