Too often a competitor will contact a company such as Verizon in order to rent out the lines that they have laid down in order for them to provide the same service to a client. This mostly occurs with companies needing to run a T1 connection into a building. It is my belief that the backbone technology to provide telephone service to a home or business does not differ from one company to another. This is why telephone companies cannot be considered a natural monopoly. Nor can a broadcasting company be considered a natural monopoly. Even if we were to take the type of programs broadcasting companies offer there would be a competing company in that arena. Lets consider the following areas news, movies and cartoons; just to name a few currently in the news arena your choices are CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC as for movies HBO, Cinemax, The Movie Channel and Showtime and cartoons can be seen on Cartoon Network and Cartoon Disney therefore completely eliminating the possibility of the broadcasting being considered as a natural
Too often a competitor will contact a company such as Verizon in order to rent out the lines that they have laid down in order for them to provide the same service to a client. This mostly occurs with companies needing to run a T1 connection into a building. It is my belief that the backbone technology to provide telephone service to a home or business does not differ from one company to another. This is why telephone companies cannot be considered a natural monopoly. Nor can a broadcasting company be considered a natural monopoly. Even if we were to take the type of programs broadcasting companies offer there would be a competing company in that arena. Lets consider the following areas news, movies and cartoons; just to name a few currently in the news arena your choices are CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC as for movies HBO, Cinemax, The Movie Channel and Showtime and cartoons can be seen on Cartoon Network and Cartoon Disney therefore completely eliminating the possibility of the broadcasting being considered as a natural