learn to adapt and over time this may lead to a different species. Unhelpful mutations die out because they do not help the population to survive while the advantageous mutations continue to proliferate. Consider the relationship between pests and pesticides which are used to eradicate them, the pests have random mutations for the limit of pesticide level that they can endure, and over time, the ones with lower tolerance die out while the pests with higher persistence are not affected by the pesticide dose. Therefore, the surviving pests are considered to be “fit” for their environment and pass on their genes by the means of reproduction which makes the gene frequency for the resistance to the pesticide more common, leading to the pesticide not having the same impact as it did before. Nonetheless, evolution is not a random process.
People may confuse the multitude of mutations that cause diversity within a population with evolution but in no way, are genes randomly chosen. It occurs with the presence of natural selection where mixes of variate traits are limited by differential reproduction because populations are all finite, leading to heredity, or the passing of traits from parent to offspring, of characteristics and behaviors that allowed for a population to survive. Evolution is not arbitrary, but rather the changes caused by competition of the survival of the fittest which is dependent and limited on other factors: environment, selection, and