The applied research problem is trying to solve the question on effective teaching, and what proper techniques are used to be successful. During the past years, authors have strived to become effective college professors and composed a study through observations and ideas. The article itself focuses on effective …show more content…
I chose these variables because the teaching process has two variables; independent variable which pertains to the teacher and intervening variable which is the content and the strategies of the research. The independent variable is the planning, organizing and leading in which the teachers control the teaching. Intervening variable is the content, characteristics, strategies, and the motivational techniques used.
Research design
The research designed used in this study is Naturalistic Observation. The chosen research design matched what the authors described and observed in their study. Naturalistic observation research involves studying spontaneous behavior of participants in their natural surroundings which are the professors in a class setting. The researcher records what they see at the moment. Observing the flow of behavior in its own setting studies have greater ecological validity.
Criteria and criteria measures
The criteria was the ten characteristics listed by the authors who felt they comprise good teaching. The measured criteria was based on each characteristic and how they can be applied to each educational