The Founding Fathers, although cautious, recognized the pertinence of revolution in a functioning government, as seen in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson actively encouraged rebellion by stating, “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Civil disobedience played a crucial role in the events leading to the Civil War, such as refusal to return escaped slaves following the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act. In its nature, civil disobedience displays peace, maturity, and strength, as the member utilizing this method standing tall in silent protest accepts their consequences while the tyrannical laws are exemplified by punishing those standing for justice. Civil disobedience is an effective way to make an issue known to the rest of the country so the voices of the people can be actively heard and may participate in government. The Woman’s Suffrage movement was only possible due to the strength and bravery of the many women who were arrested for acts of civil disobedience, ultimately drawing attention to this revolution and pressuring the government to include the other 50% of the country in …show more content…
In the modern day issues of police brutality, this method of protest is needed more than ever. We have reminded the opponents of the historical success of civil disobedience. We have appealed to their patriotic predispositions and ideals seen in the Declaration and Constitution. They have been deaf to the voice of justice. We must, therefore, continue to practice civil disobedience in order to ignite the changes needed in modern day society. We, therefore, declare our right and obligation to participate in civil disobedience; that when we see systematic oppression in this growing country, we must say something; that when we do, we are protecting the minority compelled to stay silent by the majority; that when we knowingly break a tyrannical law, we must accept the consequences with grace and dignity; that when we see direct discrimination, injustice, and oppression against minorities in our country, when we see our fellow brothers and sisters in prison for standing up against despotism, when someone with their hands up is murdered without justice, it is time for us to stand up and fight- not with guns or violence, but with the power of civil