Religion is defined as a way of life founded upon the apprehension of sacredness in existence (Ch.1, pg 4). A tradition is of course the handing down of any set of beliefs ideas or customs usually between groups of people. We can then define a religious tradition as anything that deals with a people’s way of life given or learned to them by something sacred. Here in America monotheism is widely accepted which is the belief in one God. God is the divine or sacred being in a Christian’s life. “The relationship between God and a Christian describes a sacredness that is active in the world but also distinct from it. God is transcendent, meaning he is unlimited by the world and all ordinary reality (Ch.1, pg7). So, for example a Christian is not supposed to sin but God lives in heaven and a Christian lives here on earth and has free will to do as he wants good or bad. Having a relationship with God encourages the Christian to pray and live according to God’s word providing being a good Christian will gain them access to live with God in heaven for ever once they die and leave this world.
Christianity describes sacred time as Sunday. Also anytime there is praise and worship and teaching in the Church of God’s temple. Sacred time can also be defined as prayer time. For any and other religions it is believed that by recalling and ritually reliving the deeds of the gods and ancestors, we enter into the sacred time in which they live (Ch.2, pg 43). For a Christian, sacred time is encouraged going to church on Sunday or bible studies where one can learn and become closer to God. Fasting is also an example of sacred time; where one goes without something they frequently indulge in for a certain amount of days to become closer with God. Another example of sacred time is Thanksgiving where food is shared and Christians are reminded to be thankful and rituals are practiced as well.
Sacred space is known as another world where