Management Definition, Nature, Scope And Role Of Managers Presented By Group No. 1 (Stephen Covey) Member’s Name:- ATUL MISHRA (COORDINATOR) SANGHARSH KUMAR RAJEEV KR. SHARMA SHAILENDRA RAKESH SINGH CHANDEL 6. JEETENDRA RAI
OBJECTIVES:- After this presentation you will be able to define – Management Nature of Management Scope of Management Functions Of Management Role Of Managers
About Stephen Covey :
About Stephen Covey Birth- Stephen Covey, a great motivational author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People born on 24th october, 1932 in Utah, USA. Education- He studied in the university of Utah and completed his Master Of Business administrator (MBA) from Havard University and he also completed his Doctorate degree from the Brigham young university.
Cont… :
Cont… Work- Covey worked as a professor of business management and organisational behaviouer at Brigham University. Famous Book- 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People .
What is Management? :
What is Management? There is no precise definition of management. Management has decision oriented definition, people oriented definition, function oriented definition and production or efficiency oriented ect. But in general we define the management as follow; “ Management is the process involving planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling human efforts to achieve stated objectives in an organization.”
Nature of Management :
Nature of Management The study and application of management techniques in managing the affairs of the organization have changed its nature over the period of time . Various contributions to the field of management have changed its nature. Therefore the nature of management can be described as follow; Multidisciplinary Dynamic nature of principles Relative, not absolute principles Management: Science or Art Management as Profession Universality of Management
1-Management as Disciplinary :
1-Management as