Nature and Nurture: Addiction
John Walden
Valley Forge Christian College
Nature and Nurture: Addiction
Abstract Recent studies have indicated that the ongoing debate about addiction is being re-analyzed to incorporate an integrated theme. Some of this scientist refuses the idea while others search for peace in the midst of this chaos. The idea of this study is to present both views. First, the distinction of nature must be identified in the application to addiction. Second the idea of nurture must present in the role it plays in addiction. Last, the integrated theme must be presented. The integrated theme is the primary goal of this research. How does this work? Why does it work?
Nature and Nurture: Addiction
Despite the many arguments that are presented in the constantly ongoing debates about gay rights or abortion, facts present themselves on each side whether pro or con. These truths are sometimes hard to prove, leaving one to decide their own belief or opinion. The nature versus nurture in addiction debate has the same repetitive problem. The question becomes who is right, and who is wrong, or are they both factual? There are good reasons for both sides of this controversial debate, and whenever a dispute like this ends in a tie, there are reasons to believe that one or the other could be falsely presented. There are certain facts that can be argued on both sides of this topic. Every addict has a mother wondering what went wrong with her child. The biggest debate has been whether genetics or the environment plays a larger role in human development, and therefore shapes the person. Two 17th century philosophers, Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, argued over whether unseen factors or the environment had a greater effect on behavioral development (Gottesman and Nelson). Throughout years of study there have been many different topics that have emerged from this subject. In the late 1800s, a cousin of
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