“From conception on, throughout life, a combination of constitutional factors and social, economic, and cultural factors help shape development” (Papalia, pg. 63). Based on my findings from watching Life at 1: Stress and Its Impact and Life at 3: Fighting Fat, I concluded nurture to be more impactful on Shine’s development. Furthermore, in a case like Shine, environmental surroundings, socioeconomic status, and parental influences seemed to be crucial in her development over genetic predispositions and heredity. To clarify, Shine’s upbringing in a highly stressful, low-income environment, along with undernourishment will have an everlasting effect on her development based on the likelihood of negative outcomes such as contracting mental health problems and becoming
“From conception on, throughout life, a combination of constitutional factors and social, economic, and cultural factors help shape development” (Papalia, pg. 63). Based on my findings from watching Life at 1: Stress and Its Impact and Life at 3: Fighting Fat, I concluded nurture to be more impactful on Shine’s development. Furthermore, in a case like Shine, environmental surroundings, socioeconomic status, and parental influences seemed to be crucial in her development over genetic predispositions and heredity. To clarify, Shine’s upbringing in a highly stressful, low-income environment, along with undernourishment will have an everlasting effect on her development based on the likelihood of negative outcomes such as contracting mental health problems and becoming