Genetics affect our strength, muscles, anaerobic threshold, lung capacity, and flexibility, in which all play role in our athletic ability. (CITE) For example, Usain Bolt, the worlds fastest sprinter. If you trained exactly like Usain Bolt, it still doesn’t mean you will be able to run as fast as him, as it is also in his genes. Although, if you had the same genes as him, but didn’t train at all, you may still not be able to run as fast either. (CITE) …show more content…
Athletic ability also depends on a persons physical development. There are many factors of physical development, some include, physical growth, brain development, and motor development. Playing a sport and training has a positive impact for the physical development of young individuals, such as Marta and in this case, Marta is now 13 which means she is now transitioning from childhood to early adolescence.
To have exceptional athletic ability, it is important to posses positive mental skills, including enthusiastic attitude, motivation, commitment, people skills, concentration and dealing affectively with emotions. (CITE) These skills can be improved through practice, and in this case study Marta is only 13 so she could have learnt these mental skills at a young age and can improve and practice these important skills over