After reading the article titled "Navajo Registers On Hopi Reservation Face Deadline For Eviction" by Gary Ghioto, a Boston Globe correspondent, it seems that the Navajo-Hopi land dispute began in the late 1800 's. This article was placed in the National/Foreign section on page A26. Ghioto gave a vivid description of what a Navajo woman was feeling. "Sometimes we just cry. We look around for our people and they 're gone" (Ghioto 2000: A26). This woman 's statement that Ghioto has captured in this article, sticks in your head as you continue to read. The strange fact from this article is that the Navajo Indians are living on Hopi land, yet the Navajo tribe is greater in number than the Hopi tribe. What Ghioto is trying to explain in this article is that the years-old controversy is still as complicated as before, as more and more people are becoming involved. "Hopi leaders said the tribe is being demonized by "outside agitators" who know nothing about the complicated land dispute or the agreement endorsed by the
Navajo tribe and the US government four years ago that sought to resolve the conflict" (Ghioto 2000: A26).
The protest that
Bibliography: Brooke, James. "Judge to Rule in Ages-Old Indian Land Dispute." The New York Times 21 February 1997: B6 Donovan, Bill. "End Possible For 1934 Land Dispute." Navajo Times [Window Rock] 28 April 2005: A8 Ghioto, Gary. "Navajo Registers on Hopi Reservation Face Deadline For Eviction." The Boston Globe 30 January 2000: A26 Hardeen, George. "Cooperation Key To Settling Land Dispute." Sho-Ban News [Fort Hall] 31 October 1985: 9