(Learning Labs & Virtual Commons Clubs)
Joshua Riddle
INTD111-0803B-57: Creating Academic and Professional Success
It is the purpose of this discussion post to explain how Carrie can easily get acquainted with the CTU Virtual Campus. Specifically to explain how Carrie can participate in various learning labs as well as join the Criminal Justice and Parents Clubs that are a part of the CTU Virtual Commons.
The easiest way for Carrie to navigate the Virtual Campus is by using the horizontal navigation menu at the top of every page on the Virtual Campus. There will also be a detailed tour Friday August 22nd @ 10am CST to cover how to submit assignments, how to access additional resources, as well as labs and library access (Troutman, 2008). Also there is a great online tutorial for Carrie “with helpful hints for navigating our Virtual Campus” (http://breeze.careeredonline.com/vctour/) (How to Navigate ¶2, 2008).
In order for Carrie to get involved in the English and Math Labs she will need to open the Learning Center webpage by clicking on the Learning Center link in the horizontal navigation menu at the top of the Virtual Campus website. This link is available from anywhere on the Virtual Campus. After opening the Learning Center webpage, Carrie will need to click on either the Learning Labs link in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen or the Learning Labs link in the center column. Once the Learning Labs page is open, a detailed list of suggested and available labs will be presented to Carrie in the center column of the webpage. All Carrie will have to do to join these labs is click on their respective links and jump right in to the activities available in the labs. More detailed information about participating in these labs can be found under the announcements section in the center column of the lab webpage for both the Math and English Labs.
In order for Carrie to join the Criminal Justice and
References: How to Navigate the VC and Submit Tasks ¶2, (2008, July 7th) from campus.ctuonline.edu . Troutman, N (2008, August 20th) Virtual Campus Tour from campus.ctuonline.edu.