Arocerros St., Mehan Gardens, Manila
Q & A
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Questions and Answers
Introduction to Navigation:
1. __________ is the art of science of determining the ship or aircraft’s position and of conducting a ship or aircraft from one position to another. A: Navigation
2. ___________ is any sort of marker which aids the traveller in navigation. A: Navigational Aid
3. A method of navigation by which the position of the ship is calculated from the direction and rate of progress through the water from the latest well – determined position is called ______. A: Dead Reckoning
4. A method of navigation which employs the use of various electronic devices is called __________. A: Electronic Navigation
5. The _______ is the planet which we are most familiar. It is where we live and is said to be the only planet where people can exist. A: Earth
6. It is the intended direction of travel of a ship through water. A: Course
7. ______ is a floatation device that is used to warn danger. It is sometimes anchored or allowed to drift. A: Buoy
8. ___________ is a man made permanent fixture having a light of certain characteristics and is usually watched. A: Lighthouse
9. Meridians used as the origin of measurement of longitude, the meridian of Greenwich England. A: Prime Meridian
10. ______ is the diameter by which the earth rotates. A: Axis
Fundamentals of Electronic Navigation:
1. __________ is a method of navigation which employs the use of various electronic devices. A: Electronic Navigation
2. An electronic device where it receives signals and weather information.