Purpose • Provide requirements and instructions for safe use of lifting equipment in accordance with statutory requirements and BP’s own requirements • Contribute to the establishment, maintenance and further development of an acceptable safety level for personnel, the environment and material assets in the planning and performance of lifting operations Domain • This directive applies to all BP-operated installations and contracted installations on the Norwegian continental shelf For BP onshore operations the NORSOK R-005 applies. • Contractors of contracted installations who have a system that satisfies the requirements in this directive may use their own system provided this has been clarified upon implementation • Onshore facilities or projects where BP Norge have a particular responsibility and which are assessed being part of the petroleum activities References • The Petroleum Safety Auhtority’s regulations • The Norwegian Maritime Directorat’s regulations • BP’s 8 Golden Safety Rules • BP’s NSLR (North Sea Lifting Rules) • E&P Segment Recommended Practice, Management of Lifting Operations SRP 3.2-0001 • HSE directive 1 - Work Permits • HSE directive 10 - Helicopter Operations • HSE directive 11 - Safe Job Analysis • 1.70.010 Lifting Equipment Manual • BP Drilling & well Operations Policy
• BPN’s lifting operations directive consists of the following: 1. Purpose, scope and structure 2. BPN’s requirements additional to NORSOK R-003 3. NORSOK R-003 “Safe use of lifting equipment”
BPN’s additional requirements apply in addition to, or replace, the requirements stated in NORSOK R-003. These are operational requirements, as well as requirements for roles and duties, and competence.
• Field- and installation-specific governing documentation relating to lifting is available in the HSE instructions for