Medical Data From Nazi Experiments." Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016).”
The results were successful and made advances in the modern medical field.
During the Holocaust and a little bit after until the camps were liberated, those who deemed homosexual were put into concentration camps.
They would be forced to wear a pink triangle or on the back of the uniform it would have ‘Paragraph 175’( An unnatural sex act committed between people of the male sex or by humans with animals is punishable by imprisonment; the loss of some civil rights may also be imposed). They were marked with a big red A meaning "Arschficker" or "assfucker". “Nazis made homosexuals easily distinguishable and set apart for special punishment and hard labor.” (Paragraph 175, Directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. Germany: Channel Four Films, 2000. "We Were Marked with a Big A, Directed by Elke Jeanrond and Joseph Weishaupt. Netherlands, 1991. ) The Nazi were kept away from the others because they did not want the other prisoners to catch some “disease” until they found the “cure.” They had to keep their hands out of the sheets and blankets because the men were not able to masterbate or engage in any kind of sexual activity. Even if it was freezing and the windows were frosted over they were not able to put their hands under the blankets;However, if they did and were caught they were dragged outside in the freezing snow and bowls of water were poured over them. (Heinz Heger, "The Men with the Pink Triangle" (Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1980)) Punishments for homosexuals were lethal injections, reeducate ( forcing them to have sexual intercourse with a female),and “Whipping Horse” while others watched them. Experiments that they hoped would “cure” the disease was castration (hoping they would lose their sex drive) and hormones (they would return to a “normal” function), “While the Nazis tried to make sure that the homosexual prisoners did not have sex with each other and did not spread their "disease" to other prisoners, they were much more lax when it came to fulfilling their own needs. Camp guards, as well as prisoners who
functioned as bunk leaders, or Kapos, would often chose homosexual prisoners to become their personal sexual servant.” (Bozena Shallcross, "The Pink Triangle and Gay Camp Identity in Marian Pankowski Writings," Russian Literature 70.4 (2011): 518, doi: 10.1016/j.ruslit.2012.01.009)
These doctors showed anything but humanity. It turns out there is no cure for homosexuality. Although homosexuality is still considered unnatural leading to the existence of conversion camps and conversion therapy. It had publicly humiliated victims from Paragraph 175. They had left the world with “uncomfortable memories and shitty shameful deeds (Karl Gorath) ,” Although many people from my generation will not understand what these people went through.