By: John Ward
A kid is cornered in the bathroom at school. He gets punched once, twice, then after the third time he punches back. A fight has started. The principal walks in and breaks it up. Both kids are covered in bruises and are in trouble. They are both suspended for three days. Three days later the kid that got cornered is found with a weapon. When he is asked why he has it he says it is for protection. He is expelled and sent to an alternative school. This is why fighting has to stop. It creates an environment of fear and can escalate into serious violence. When a study was done it was found that about one in three students had been in a physical fight in the past year, one in seven have been in a fight on school property, and one in nine needed medical attention. Just think what if that one student was you and you were the one fighting. You could get suspended or worse get expelled and sent to an alternative school. When a different study was done in a different part of the country it was found that one in seven students had been in a fight on school property in the past year in places like the bathroom, hallway, classroom where the teacher has left the room to go do something, on the playground, in the library, or in the cafeteria. I try to stay out of fights or arguments that could escalate into a fight. When another study was taken it was found that one in nine students that had been in a fight needed medical attention that was serious injuries like a broken bone, a concussion, a bone fracture , or large cuts and/or scratches. I personally knew someone that had been in a fight and broke a bone. Fighting in school is a problem that has to stop because it creates a hostile learning environment that most kids cannot learn in. Who would want to go around being scared someone is going to jump them. I for one prefer a calm learning environment to help me learn that is why I think fighting has to stop in all