The Gestapo, SS, and Green Police had to fulfill the many duties given to them by the Third Reich (Nazi Government). The reason Nazi’s were so awful was because of the amount lives they took away and how gruesome they did it. Some of the jobs given to the Gestapo, SS, and Green Police had, “... vast powers of arrests, executions, and incarcerations,” ( Most of these killings were to jews and the amount of killing was unbelievable. “ …show more content…
Many lives were brutally taken away. Throughout World War II, the Nazi’s put up several camps where the Gestapo and sometimes the SS and Green Police killed, slaughtered, burned, and gassed prisoners. “They were also involved in the daily operation of Hitler’s death camps,” ( At these death camps, the Nazi’s did horrific things to its prisoners. Tons of families were killed and most of the ones who did survive were in complete despair. A lot of other families also got separated. Also, another huge impact from the Nazi forces was the Judaism ethnicity almost being wiped away. As said before, the Nazi police killed lots of innocent Jews. They killed the Jews in unimaginable ways. After World War II the population of Jews dropped six million. Almost all the killing done to the Jews were from the Gestapo, SS, and Green